2024 Ministry Highlights
So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! - 2 Corinthians 5: 16-17
Key Skinner Leadership Institute Programs You Can Support
Skinner Leadership Institute, (SLI) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
3 Ways You Can Give:
Donations can be mailed to:
P.O. Box 69311
Baltimore, Maryland 21264-9311
For more information on becoming a Corporate Sponsor visit the Sponsorship page or contact bbrown@skinnerleadership.org
Dear Friends,
2024 was a year of “standing in the gap” for vulnerable and left-out Americans. God is always looking for those who will protect people who cannot protect themselves from injustice. With unwavering faith, we stood fearlessly in the gap, demonstrating God’s love so those living on the margins of life will be uplifted to lives of dignity.
We stood in the gap despite threats to the Black Church and allies.
We stood in the gap despite threats to those who protect the freedom to vote.
We stood in the gap despite threats to life-sustaining food assistance programs for low-income families and high-speed internet access for rural people of all races and backgrounds.
Skinner Leadership Institute stood boldly in the gap as a home for Black churches and allies, modeling values-based civic engagement through the nonpartisan Faiths United to Save Democracy (FUSD) in the 2024 election. FUSD trained over 900 Poll Chaplains and Peacekeepers from diverse faiths, races, and generations received training to provide a moral and calming presence so the elderly, the disabled, and the language-challenged could vote in free, fair, and safe elections. Unmoved by threats of violence and intimidation, they stood courageously in the gap as agents of God's love and compassion in ten states across the nation.
In 2024, through the hybrid 2024 Masters Series for Distinguished Leaders (MSDL) program, Skinner Leadership Institute also stood proudly in the gap between the generations, developing a new generation of Black professionals with values-based, character excellence, and leadership training to become difference makers uniting our broken world.
The exciting November 2024 in-person Masters Series for Distinguished Clergy (MSDC) program equipped intergenerational clergy leaders to share their moral convictions with congressional leaders and gain new tools to become more powerful moral messengers for the voiceless on public policy issues.
I was also deeply honored to serve as a mentor for a courageous group of Black and White pastors in multiple cities learning to model authentic racial healing.
Friends, thank you for standing in the gap with us. We cannot do this work alone. Your prayers and financial support sustain our steadfast Skinner Leadership Institute team to stand in the gap for those desperately needing evidence of God’s love and compassion. For a year-end gift of $200.00 or more, we will send you, postage paid, a beautifully designed personal inspirational keepsake to remind you daily that you are light in the darkness. May God's unconditional love and sustaining power lead, guide, and direct your life in the New Year!
Be blessed and stay safe!
Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner,
Co-Founder and President​