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Skinner Leadership's resources include timeless messages on faith, reconciliation, leadership, and caring for the poor. Click one of the videos below to view or listen to Dr. Williams-Skinner or Tom Skinner share on one of these topics or click one of the images above to purchase ministry products. 

Transformative. Powerful. Inspiring.


An entire generation of leaders have used these words to describe Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner. She is one of the country's most influential leaders, shaping policy and the people who create it for over 25 years in Washington D.C. The passion and power of her work comes from her faith in Jesus, but it wasn't always that way. In her book, I Prayed, Now What?, Dr. Williams-Skinner tell her incredible true story that is filled with wisdom and courage. It will help you pray in a way that will transform your life.


Purchase the hardcover at

Purchase the e-book through Amazon Kindle.

1970 Tom Skinner's powerful message at Urbana

Racism and World Evangelism

Audio of Tom Skinner's address at Urbana 70 entitled "Racism and World Evangelism". Thank you to Urbana Missions for the video.

7.17 Chautauqua Institution Lecture

July 2017

Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner and The Rev. S. Douglas Birdsall, founder of Civilitas, discuss the mass shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and their resulting friendship. Both presented briefly, followed by a conversation moderated by the Rev. Robert M. Franklin Jr., director of religion, and a Q-and-A session. Video by Chautauqua Institute,

5.17 News One Now with Roland S. Martin

Are White Evangelicals Betraying The Global Body Of Christ By Ignoring Racism And Racial Bigotry?

Are White Evangelicals ignoring racism, bigotry, mass incarceration, police brutality and other social issues? Jim Wallis, Bishop Harry Jackson, Monique Pressley, Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner and Roland Martin discuss how White Evangelicals are essentially ignoring the discriminatory policies being promoted by the Trump administration. Thank you to Roland S. Martin for the video.

11.13 Interview: State of Belief Radio

State of Belief Radio Interview, November 16, 2013

On the Nov. 16, 2013, edition of State of Belief, Dr. Barbara Williams Skinner shares about the group of faith and civic leaders taking part in an ongoing fast to spur needed action on the failure of the US House of Representatives to take up the pressing issue of immigration reform. Dr. Barbara Williams Skinner talked powerfully about the purpose of the Fast4Families, and her reasons for taking part in it. Video provided by State of Belief

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